ADDCON´s next-generation acrylamide inhibitor
Efficient, effective and easy-to-use

DDCON´s ADDCON-LB Series consists of a range of products designed to reduce acrylamide formation in thermally processed foods, thus catering to this important industry-specific need. Acrylamide is a neurotoxin, teratogen and a carcinogen so that its heightened presence in food is of public concern. The European Union has therefore imposed strict regulations and legal limits relating to the presence of foodborne acrylamide.
ADDCON LB stands for

Acrylamide Inhibition Effectiveness
Minimal Recipe and Process Adaptation
No compromise of sensory effects.

Depending on application, ADDCON-LB is typically dosed at 0,5 to 1,5% of flour weight.

Range of Application
ADDCON LB is effective in every product subject to the Maillard reaction (browning). This includes bakery goods from bread, cookies to wafers and fried goods such as chips, donuts and crisps.
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Good to know

Combining ADDCON´s food additives will yield products superior in volume, texture, freshness and shelf life with reduced acrylamide presence and no sensory compromises.