The quality enhancer

Hygiene and efficiency for pigs and birds as well as optimal
safety towards producing meat are key requirements for modern
swine and poultry production.
FORMI NDF stands for

Effective against E. coli & Campylobacter
strong anti-Salmonella action
supports growth performance
Mode of action


Proven efficacy of FORMI NDF
Trial 1: Effect of FORMI NDF on bacterial microflora in the small intestine

Trial 2: Final weight and FCR of broiler on day 38 (with %-difference from control)

Trial 3: Effect of FORMI NDF on hen day egg production in layer aged week 50 till 62

Trial 4: Effect of FORMI NDF on egg quality (egg weight, shell weight and shell thickness) at week 19

Good to know

FORMI NDF fulfils these demands:
Improve feed hygiene
Strong anti-microbial effects
(Campylobacter, Salmonellen, E. coli)
Safe and easy handling, non-corrosive
Optimized feed efficiency
Supports growth performance

Technical Data
Sodium formate (E237) and formic acid (E236)
in a cool and dry place
25 kg plastic bag, 1000 kg big bag
Recommended dosage:
Broiler: 1 - 3 kg/t of feed
Turkey: 3 - 4 kg/t of feed
Layer: 2 - 3 kg/t of feed