A new series of articles on the subject of improving feed efficiency.
Dr. Christian Lückstädt and his team will present research from all over the world that shows the impact of FORMI on improving FCR and performance.

Formi improves feed efficiency under sub-optimal conditions
post-weaning against negative and positive controls.
The use of dietary potassium diformate in weaned piglets under
tropical conditions resulted in significant reduction of the diarrhoea rate –
compared to a negative control as well as to antibiotic treatments.
The findings support the use of FORMI as an effective and sustainable
replacement for antibiotic growth promoters in post-weaned piglets,
achieving at the same time an optimal feed efficiency – which was improved
by 16% compared to the negative control – and by more than 10% against
the antibiotic treatments.
Read here the complete article

Formi NDF improves the feed efficiency of broilers in the
starter phase at low dosages
Growth performance results revealed a significant performance enhancing
impact of the acidifier.
Dietary NDF at 1 kg/t improved the FCR significantly and varied
between control (1.74) AGP (1.70) and NDF (1.56),
thus an improvement of more than 10%. The results described are in full
agreement with previously reported data, which also found the feed efficiency
enhancing impact of the acidifier in the early life stage of the broiler.
Read here the complete article.

FORMI 3G after weaning leads to gut health and
efficient digestion in piglets
Farm trial Germany 2017
The usage of the 3rd generation acidifier FORMI 3G in post-weaning piglets improves
gut health and reduces remarkably the diarrhea score.
Those parameters combined resulted in an enhanced feed efficiency by almost 5%,
achieved under high German-production standards.

FORMI NDF provides a healthy intestinal microflora –
leading to improved feed efficiency
This study demonstrates that including sodium diformate in broiler
diets has beneficial effects on the intestinal microflora –
a significant E.coli reduction of 97% was observed.
Because a healthy intestine provides between 6-10% of the entire
energy requirement of animals, it is no surprise that the feed conversion ratio
was significantly improved by almost 8%.”
Find here the technical data.

Formi NDF improves the feed efficiency and nutrient utilization of
broilers against positive and negative controls
Performance was boosted in the birds fed 0.1% NDF.
The FCR was enhanced (1.78 vs. 1.87 and 1.86 for control and
positive control respectively).
This was reflected by the utilization of nutrients which was also
significantly improved in the NDF-fed broilers, especially for crude protein,
crude ash, calcium and phosphorus.
Calculated as PER, the usage of NDF led to an increase of protein utilization against
both controls by more than 5%,
which is in full agreement with the lowered pH in the GI-tract. This study
demonstrates that including NDF in broiler diets is a sustainable tool
for improved feed efficiency and nutrient utilization, thereby saving nutrient resources,
even compared to an antibiotic growth promoter.
Find here the complete article.

Formi beneficially impacts feed efficiency of weaned piglets under
poor sanitary conditions
In an experiment the impact of prebiotics and FORMI on post-weaned piglets
was monitored under poor sanitary conditions in Canada.
Only FORMI was able to enhance performance and improve nutrient digestibility –
which led to a significantly better gain-to-feed ratio by 7.5%.
Tables you can find here

Potassium diformate (FORMI) influences feed intake and
apparent digestibility parameters in piglets positively
The inclusion of FORMI led in experiments, carried out by the Academy of
Agricultural Sciences in China, to an increased feed intake (+7.5%) and
improved digestibility of dry matter (+4.1%) and crude protein (+6.1%)
against a negative control.
At the same time the gene expression in the pituitary was upregulated.
This resulted consequently in a drastically improved feed efficiency by 6%.

FORMI NDF improves the feed efficiency of broilers in the starter
diet against positive and negative controls
Broiler growth rate and feed efficiency are key to their economic
performance through to market.
Formi NDF plays a crucial role in the period post-hatch.
Performance was highly increased in birds fed the acidifier.
The positive control, containing an antibiotic growth promoter,
had a similar feed efficiency as the negative control.
The FCR was only significantly improved in the group with the dietary acidifier –
by 13.8% and 11.8% against control and positive control, respectively.
This may be due to the often-reported impact of acids towards protein digestibility.

AQUAFORM improves feed efficiency of male Nile Tilapia
Feed costs represent a major part, up to 60 percent,
of the total cost of production in aquaculture.
A typical farm might produce 5000 t of fish per year and have an FCR of 1.5 to 1.
With an average feed cost of 1800 USD/t, this farm’s annual feed budget would be
around 13.5 million USD.
Improvements in feed efficiency by 1% would save approximately 135000 USD
each year.
The current study, published in co-operation with SEAFDEC, showed that Aquaform,
based on ADDCON’s potassium diformate concept,
is able to improve the feed conversion ratio in male tilapia even by more than 8%.

Gut health and nutrient digestibility improve feed efficiency –
the impact of Formi NDF
Protein utilization (63.3% vs. 61.6%) and the villi height in the jejunum
and ileum was significantly increased by between 170 and 450 μm, leading to an
improved feed efficiency – all those parameters combined resulted in a
performance boost of the Arbor Acres broiler due to the usage of sodium diformate!

Potassium diformate (FORMI) influences feed intake and feed efficiency
in the crucial period after weaning positively
The inclusion of FORMI into the starter diets of piglets after weaning, proved in an experiment carried out by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in
China to increase feed intake (+7.1 %) and daily gain (+14.3 %) against negative control.
At the same time the gene expression in the pituitary was upregulated.
This resulted consequently in a clearly improved feed efficiency by mor than 5 %.

FORMI NDF under commercial conditions in Colombia helps producing eggs more efficiently
A back-to-back trial over a period of 10 weeks –
weeks without the acidifier, followed by 5 weeks with NDF-inclusion,
revealed that despite the older age of Babcock brown hens and a significantly increased hen day egg production (%)
And egg weight, the conversion rate of feed to egg was significantly improved by almost 3%.
This may be due to the often-reported impact of diformate towards protein and mineral (calcium) digestibility.

3rd generation acidifier achieves similar performance as pharmacological levels of ZnO or in-feed antibiotics
A trial at the Kansas State University with weaned piglets proved, that Formi 3G –
a unique agglomerate of diformate and monolaurate,
results in similar performance as ZnO and in-feed antibiotics during the early
stage of nursery. The feed-to-gain ratios between those
treatments do not differ, but the improvement against a negative control was clearly visible (+6.8%) at the end of the monitoring period
19 days post-weaning.

AQUAFORM improves profitability and feed efficiency in shrimp grow-out under commercial conditions
A large-scale commercial trial involving 15 ponds at 6 ha pond area each,
over a period of almost 130 days,
revealed that AQUAFORM is able to improve feed efficiency and survival
rate of Vannamei shrimp against a positive control by more than 10% and 37% respectively.
This amazing improvement led to a higher profitability of the farm by almost 30%!

Dietary diformate optimizes the pH throughout the GI-tract –
resulting in optimized feed conversion ratio in broilers
A significant optimization of the pH-levels from crop via stomach
throughout the small intestine due to the use of dietary diformate in Cobb-broiler,
led to an increase of the crude protein digestibility coefficient by more than 2%.
This resulted, as expected, in a highly significant improvement of the feed
efficiency by more than 15% compared to a negative control.

Diet acidification with Formi NDF leads to a significant improvement
of feed to gain ratios under various conditions
A number of experiments carried out at Kansas State University,
USA revealed that Formi NDF is able to improve feed-to-gain ratios highly
significantly in post-weaned piglets by up to 10.2% in low (18%)
or high (21%) protein containing diets – and in diets with or without
pharmacological levels of zinc oxide (>2000 ppm).
The authors concluded that the inclusion of the acidifier is a useful practice to
improve nursery pig performance, including the feed efficiency.

Usage of AQUAFORM under challenged and non-challenged
conditions improves the feed efficiency of tilapia significantly
A trial carried out by the State University of Londrina in Brazil,
which was published in Nature, …uncovered that the usage of AQUAFORM
in tilapia culture under bacterial challenged as well as non-challenged conditions,
improved the feed efficiency of the fish significantly by up to 16% and 23%

Usage of Formi NDF under challenged conditions
in Serbia during the starter period
A large-scale commercial trial with more than 70,000 broilers,
carried out in Serbia, revealed an improvement of more than 10% in feed efficiency,
despite a viral challenge, during the starter period till 21 days of age.

Digestibility coefficients and enzyme activity improve feed
conversion ratio in trout during usage of AQUAFORM
A trial carried out under commercial conditions with the inclusion
of AQUAFORM into the diet of juvenile Rainbow trout found improved protein
utilization as well as protease activity, which resulted in a significantly enhanced
feed conversion ratio by almost 17%, thus subsequently leading to a hugely increased
fish productivity index, which includes the three most important parameter in any animal production…
weight gain, survival rate and feed efficiency!

Formi NDF under commercial conditions in Turkey improves
feed efficiency at low dosages
A large-scale commercial trial with almost 50,000 broilers, carried out in Turkey,
proved that next to the often-seen enhancement of daily gain and reduction of
mortality in broiler rearing till 40 days, an improvement of feed efficiency by almost 4%
was noticeable, leading to an enhanced productivity index of almost 11%.