Homofermentative inoculant for improving
fermentation quality in silage made from grass,
leguminous plants and green cereal plants

Fast pH-drop for a higher silage quality and higher yields!

KOFASIL LAC is an inoculant containing two homofermentative strains of the lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum).
These have been specially isolated from silage for use as a silage inoculant and have not been genetically modified
The use of KOFASIL LAC results in silage crops (e.g. grass, legumes plants) in an intensive lactic acid formation which drops the pH value quickly and significantly.
This inhibits the development of undesirable harmful bacteria such as clostridia and reduces DM-losses.
Treating forage crops with KOFASIL LAC results in high-energy, nutrient-rich silage that is perfectly hygienic and is ideal for feeding to high-performance cattle.
KOFASIL® LAC stands for

improves fermentation quality
and minimises DM losses during silaging
increases DM intake and milk yield
improves profitability of cattle production

KOFASIL LAC is mixed with tap water and can be used immediately.
The product is suited for microdosing (20-50ml/t). For optimum distribution we recommend an application amount between 1.0 and 2.0 litres per tonne of silage crop.
KOFASIL LAC is particularly suitable for improving the fermentation quality of silage made of grass, legumes or their mixtures and green cereal plants
Range of application & application rate

Good to know

The use of KOFASIL LAC reduces proven the emission of CO2 and improves the environmental balance KOFASIL LAC is DLG certified.
Feel safe with continuously tested quality goods.

Technical data
Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 3676
Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 3677
Application rate:
1 g/t forage
Shelf life:
The product can be stored for 6 month from the date of manufacture if stored in sealed original aluminium bags at room temperature (max. 20 °C) for 1 year in the fridge and for 2 years in frost (-18 °C).
Product dissolved in water must be used within 48 hours.
Packaging unit:
5 x 50g (für 250 t forage)
5 x 100g (für 500 t forage)