
01/07/20 Recently an International Conference on Animal Nutrition 2019 (INCAN 2019) was Organized by Department of Animal Nutrition, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata India in collaboration with Animal Nutrition Society of India.

Recently an International Conference on Animal Nutrition 2019 (INCAN 2019) was Organized by Department of Animal Nutrition, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata India in collaboration with Animal Nutrition Society of India.

The theme was – “Nutritional Strategies for Improving Farm Profitability and Clean Animal Production”

Livestock sector plays a very important role in the economics, social and nutritional wellbeing of people in the developing country, which is often figured as an important component in rural development and poverty alleviation. Yet the productivity of livestock and per capita availability of animal products are not at par with developed countries. There is scope for large scale improvement in productivity, quality of animal products and economic return from livestock farming.

As feed cost alone comprises 70% of the total recurring expenditure of livestock farming, it is imperative to say that the productivity and profitability of livestock farming cannot be improved without balanced feeding and improved nutrition. Whilst number of technologies pertaining to improvement in utilization of conventional feed resources is available on hand, advantages of modern biotechnological tools must be reaped in order to maximize benefits. The quest for novel feed additives and nutraceuticals should be continued so as to improve health, welfare and productivity of animals.

Finally, present day animal production system can no way ignore the carbon footprint that they leave behind, thus all technologies that are developed should be clean and safe.

The theme of the conference was developed to address the above issues. Number of eminent Academicians, Scientists, Scholars, Students, Policy makers, Industrialist, Entrepreneurs and Farmers attended the conference from India and abroad. A series of theme talks, technical sessions / round tables were delivered during the conference.

Dr. Anant Deshpande- Regional Manager Addcon was one of the lead speakers at the event. He stressed on the role of acidifiers in improving the digestibility in Poultry and Swine and its advantages as the green alternative over the harmful chemicals.


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