ADDCON products
"Green Chemistry"
We follow our mission "leading the innovation in Green Chemistry" and therefore we refine organic acids and their salts.
Our processes enable us, to provide products in several core markets, that are simultaneously efficient, economical and sustainable.
In the animal feed sector, our reliable ADDCON quality ensures optimal protection of animal feed and we increase the well-being and health of farm animals, actively reducing the CO2 balance in many sectors. Our de-icing products are biodegradable and safe for plants and animals and have been used by airports and local authorities for many years. In our patented manufacturing process for our food additives, we are very efficient in terms of energy through optimized use of chemical potentials. By using natural raw materials and a preventive hygiene system, we offer a safe food for the preservation of baked goods.
Due to our diverse, quality-controlled production methods, our products are low in undesired substances and our in-house laboratories always ensure the best quality.
ESSECO offers Science Tropentag 2024

Effects of a Lactobacillus buchneri inoculant on the fermentation profile,
microbial counts and aerobic stability of corn silage