

The economical alternative to soybean oil as dust-binding agent


Due to the current situation in the feed industry, the demand for price-stable,
high-quality products is growing rapidly.

With the new ADDCON PBM, ADDCON offers an alternative to soybean oil as
dust-binding agent in feed that is both effective and economically advantageous.
By using ADDCON PBM, dust particles are reliably bound, segregation of feed
components is prevented, and nutrient losses are reduced. ADDCON PBM not only
enriches feed mixtures with highly digestible carbohydrates, crude protein and minerals,
but also increases feed palatability. Compared to oil-based dust-binding agents,
such as soybean oil, ADDCON PBM results in an improved feed efficiency thanks to
a favourable protein/energy ratio as well as containing organic acids. 

 Due to the use of local resources, ADDCON PBM is considerably 

less susceptible to current global political events and is therefore 

more stable in price than soybean or sunflower oil. 

Consequently, ADDCON PBM enables an increased 

planning certainty, even in the current situation. The

 long shelf life of the product also contributes to the 

improved planning certainty. 


ADDCON PBM stands for:


Reliable dust-binding agent

Price-stable raw materials

Easily digestible carbohydrates

High crude protein concentration


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Parsevalstraße 6
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Tel.: +49 3493 96787 00

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