

Heterofermentative bacterial preparation for improving the aerobic stability of silage


Perfectly hygienic silage for farm animals and biogas plants


KOFASIL S contains a specially selected non-GM strain of the lactic acid

bacteria Lactobacillus buchneri. In addition to lactic acid, this also forms

a certain amount of acetic acid which inhibits yeasts and moulds, which

improves the storage life of silage kept in non-airtight conditions where

heating on exposure could occur without the use of additives


This particularly affects well-fermented, high-energy silo maize, but silage

made of grass and whole cereal plants may also display signs of heating on

exposure. Ensiling mistakes such as poor compaction, ensiling forage that

has been harvested late, or insufficient turnover increase the risk of such

processes. This can be avoided by applying good farming practices and

using KOFASIL S.

KOFASIL S stands for


Avoids feed and energy losses

Prevents mould growth and production of mycotoxins

Optimises biogas yield



KOFASIL S is mixed with tap water and can be used immediately. 

We recommend a dose of at least 0.5 litres of bacterial solution per tonne of silage crop.

For optimum distribution we recommend applying between 1.0 and 2.0 litres per tonne of silage crop.

KOFASIL S can be used for silage made from maize, whole crop maize, CCM, whole crop cereals and grass.

Good to know


The use of KOFASIL S increases the value of your silage. The hygienic quality and the CO2 balance are improved.

KOFASIL S is DLG certified.

Feel safe with continuously tested quality goods.


Technical data


Lactobacillus buchneri DSM 13573

Application rate:

1-2 g/t forage

Storage life:

The product will keep for 6 month from the date of manufacture if stored in sealed original aluminium bags at room temperature (max. 20 °C), and for 18 month in a freezer (-18 °C).

Product dissolved in water must be used within 48 hour 


Packaging unit:

5 x 50g  (for 250 t forage)

5 x 100g (for 500 t forage)






Parsevalstraße 6
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Tel.: +49 3493 96787 00

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