granulated sodium formate

Designed to obtain maximum friction, AVIFORM S-Solid enables safe take-off and landings, even under severe weather conditions.

AVIFORM S-Solid is the brand name for granulated sodium formate with a state to the art corrosion inhibitor. It is the ideal de-icing agent during severe winter conditions to remove thick ice layers up to 8 mm and is approved according to SAE AMS 1431B.
The AVIFORM S-SOLID granules penetrate the ice layer and after penetration, the granules undercut the ice layer by melting and break the bond holding ice and snow to the surface of runways. Due to this “undercutting effect” the ice can be easily removed by mechanical means to maintain adequate friction between aircraft tires and the runway.
AVIFORM S-Solid fulfills all environmental and technical requirements on airport de-icing agents, is not toxic to humans, animals or aquatic organisms and is fully biodegradable in aqueous systems.
On this page you can find out more about the comprehensive product properties of AVIFORM S-SOLID.
Technical Approval

AVIFORM S-Solid is tested on a regular basis by the Scientific Material Institute, SMI Inc., USA and meets all the requirements stated in Aerospace Material Specification: SAE AMS 1431D.
Environment Aviform S-Solid

Biodegradability and eco-toxicological tests have been performed on AVIFORM S-Solid, as part of AMS 1431D certification.
AVIFORM S-Solid has lower oxygen demand (COD) and a shorter break down time than urea, glycol and acetate based runway de-icers, i.e. oxygen depletion of soil, surface waters and sewage treatment plants is strongly reduced compared to other de-icing agents. Thus the products impact on the environment is minimal compared to urea and other well-known de-icing products.
Additional to this AVIFORM S-Solid is not toxic to humans, animals or aquatic organisms, is fully biodegradable in aqueous systems and is not bioakkumulative (Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water: Pow < 0).
AVIFORM S-Solid is not listed as a hazardous component and is not based on nitrogen salts or chloride.

Frost of ice layer < 1mm
Temperature | Dosage |
0°C bis - 5°C | 10 - 20 g/m² |
- 5°C bis -10°C | 20 - 30 g/m² |
Snow/ice 1 to 3 mm
Temperature | Dosage |
0°C bis - 5°C | 25 - 40 g/m² |
- 5°C bis -10°C | 40 - 50 g/m² |

Characteristic for all types of solid de-icing agents is the ability to absorbing water – also for AVIFORM S-Solid.
Due to this characteristic, AVIFORM S-Solid must be stored under dry conditions. Always let the bags (Big Bags of 500 kg, 1000 kg or 25 kg bags) be stored on a pallet and never direct on the floor or ground. Indoor storage is advised.
When stored outside the product must be covered completely with weather-proof panels.
All our packagings used for Aviform S-Solid are humidity proofed.
For technical information please contact:
Jesper Rosborg
+45 40634727
Oliver Koster
+49 172 1977524