safe take-off and landing

AVIFORM L50 is designed to obtain maximum friction and safe take-off and landing at the same time

AVIFORM L50 is a liquid de-icing agent based on 50 % potassium formate and can be used with all standard airport spraying equipment.
It is ideal as a precautionary agent in the face of severe weather conditions.
The product will prevent a bond between the surface and the ice, making it easier to remove the ice by mechanical means.
Due to its high melting capacity AVIFORM L50 can be even used to de-icing thinner ice layers in combination with AVIFORM S-SOLID.
AVIFORM L50 fulfills all requirements of airports on environmental properties, technical standards, efficiency, performance and product compatibility of liquid de-icing agents and is approved according to SAE AMS 1435D.
Technical Approval

AVIFORM L50 is tested on a regular basis by the Scientific Material Institute, SMI Inc., USA and meets all the requirements stated in Aerospace Material Specification: SAE AMS 1435D.
Environment Aviform L50

Several of the de-icing and anti-icing products available today are non-toxic, however they can cause serious damage to the environment in and around the airport.
The environmental impact is mainly linked to the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and the time it takes for the chemical to break down.
The oxygen demand for de-icers based on potassium formate and sodium formate, like Aviform L50 or Aviform S-Solid, is modest.
Biodegradability and eco-toxicological tests have been performed and AVIFORM L50 conforms with SAE AMS 1435A.
AVIFORM L50 has lower oxygen demand than urea, glycol and acetate-based runway de-icers.
At the same time outstanding de-icing and anti-icing results are achieved and the oxygen depletion of soil and surface waters is strongly reduced.
This diminishing the negative impact of runway winter deicing on the environment without jeopardizing traffic safety.
AVIFORM L50 is not based on chloride and nitrogen salts and is not toxic to humans, animals or aquatic organisms.
It is fully biodegradable in aqueous systems without causing a damaging oxygen depletion. AVIFORM L 50 is listed as a non-hazardous component.

Frost of ice layer < 1mm
Temperature | Dosage |
0°C bis - 5°C | 15-25 g/m² |
- 5°C bis -10°C | 25-35 g/m² |
Snow or ice of 1 to 3 mm layer
Temperature | Dosage |
0°C bis - 5°C | 30-40 g/m² |
- 5°C bis -10°C | 40-60 g/m² |

AVIFORM L50 can be stored in tanks made from polyethylene and fiberglass (approved for high pH) and tanks made from painted or unpainted stainless steel.
For technical information please contact:
Jesper Rosborg
+45 40634727
Oliver Koster
+49 172 1977524