One Week ago we finished our traditional Distributor Summit – this year it took place in beautiful South Germany.
The aim of the Distributor Summit is to exchange the latest developments of our company and to share markets news among each other.
This time we used the opportunity and also invited our Asian and Europe distributors to join the Oktoberfest in Munich.
Moreover the summit offered a great opportunity for Luca Mantovani to introduce himself as the new CEO of ADDCON GmbH Germany.
From the technical side, both Dr. Christian Lückstädt, Technical Director FEED and Dr. Andreas Milimonka, Technical Director Silage , gave updates on the upcoming product projects, under the slogan “WE OFFER SCIENCE”.
ESSECO INDUSTRIAL Germany gives special thanks to Rana Shaukat Hussain (Global Business Director, Cloud Agri Limited) for his presentation “Success Story of KOFASIL in EUROPE” and Thomas Rensing (Owner of Landservice Rensing) for his presentation “Success Story of FORMI in Germany.”
This kind of events, brings diverse perspectives and insights that transcend borders.
The knowledge exchanged, partnerships formed, and ideas cultivated during our time together lay the groundwork for a successful future .
Finally we are grateful for an incredible customer event. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a success. Looking forward to continued collaboration and growth together.
Watch the MOVIE!








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